@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004442, author = {冨永, 茂人 and 日高, 哲志 and 遠城, 道雄 and 山本, 雅史 and Yamamoto, Masashi and 一谷, 勝之}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {与論島の農業発展に寄与することを目的として、島内18カ所の圃場から土壌サンプルを採取し、土壌のEC、pHおよび土壌中の無機成分含量を測定した。測定した結果を鹿児島県の土壌診断基準値と比較した。土壌のECの最高値は0.15、最低値は0.04、平均値は0.09とかなり低く、全ての土壌のEC値が鹿児島県の診断基準に比べて大幅に低かった。土壌のpHは撮高値が8.2、最低値が4.6、平均値は6.64であり、数カ所の例外を除いて基準の範囲内であった。土壌の無機成分含量のうち、全窒素(N)は0.8~2.7%の範囲で平均値は1.67%であった。リン酸(P_2O_5)は0.3~72.0mg/100gの範囲で平均値は19.4mg/100g、カリウム(K_2O)は3.3~14.Omg/100gの範囲で平均値は7.3mg/1009、マグネシウム(MgO)は0.4~47.8mg/100gの範囲で平均値は17.2mg/100g、カルシウム(CaO)は0.4~65.8㎎/100gの範囲で平均値は25.9mg/100gであり、いずれの無機成分含量も鹿児島県の土壌診断基準に比べてかなり低く、与論島の農業においては施肥量が少ないことが問題点の一つであると思われた。, Eighteen soil samples were collected from farm fields in Yoron Island. Chemical properties of these soil samples were examined and compared to the normative guidelines on soil diagnosis of Kagoshima Prefecture. The exchange capacity (EC) in the samples ranged from 0.04 to 0.15 with the average value of 0.09. The EC values in all soil samples in Yoron Island were considerably lower than those in the guideline. The average, minimum, and maximum pH vales of the samples were 6.64, 4.6, and 8.2, respectively. The pH values in the samples were within the scope of the guideline, though there existed a lower and several higher exceptions. The average, minimum, and maximum contents of total nitrogen levels in the samples were 1.67, 0.8, and 2.7%, respectively. The contents of phosphoric acid (P_2O_5), potassium (K_2O), magnesium (MgO), and calcium (CaO) in the samples raged from 0.3 to 72.0mg/100g, from 3.3 to 14.0mg/100g, from 0.4 to 47.8mg/100, and from 0.4 to 65.8mg/100g, respectively. Their average values were 19.4, 7.3, 17.2, and 25.9 mg/100g, respectively. This study revealed the fact that the soil condition in Yoron Island is below the standard of the guideline especially in mineral contents. One of the problems of agricultural practices in Yoron Island is, therefore, considered to be their low fertilizer application.}, pages = {140--146}, title = {南西諸島における農業の現状と展開 - 与論島における土壌調査結果 -}, volume = {42}, year = {}, yomi = {ヤマモト, マサシ} }