@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004444, author = {盛田, 友弌}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {on the Marlin-Fishing Test in the Waters of Uoturizima, the following results were obtained. 1) Yearly variation of water temperature around the Uoturizima was examined (cf. table 1, figl ). 2) The favourable temperature of catch ranged generally from 23c to 25c and in the good fishing season (December and April) it was 24oc or 25oc. 3) The fishing season was from late autumn to next late spring, and this season had the points of very large catch in December and April. 4) Marlin caught there wasalmost Black Marin (Makaira Marlina) and Sail-Fish ; the former had large catch in December and latter in April.}, pages = {15--19}, title = {魚釣島近海に於けるカジキ漁況と水温との関係について}, volume = {2}, year = {} }