@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004559, author = {萩原, 豪 and 元木, 理寿}, journal = {鹿児島大学稲盛アカデミー研究紀要}, month = {}, note = {This is a theoretical and practical case study on Okinoerabu Island, an outlying island in the Kagoshima Prefecture. This research project investigates the development of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Okinoerabu Island, and clarifies the possibility for community empowerment by ESD. This research focuses on water resources and energy issues, attempting to determine how to put these points to practical use in ESD for residents to better understand their community culture and history. 1.) Regarding water resources, Okinoerabu Island is one of the coral upheaval islands in the Amami Group Islands and it has been historically difficult for residents to get water resources for their daily lives. The local government (China Town and Wadomari Town) developed the infrastructure in the early 1950s. Since then, close to 100% of residents have access to potable water. 2.) On the other hand, energy issues are also very important for the outlying islands, which have no natural resources for their electricity production. The electricity on Okinoerabu Island is dependant on the Shin-China thermal power station, which uses heavy oil as a fuel source. (This fuel is shipped to the island.) Historically, it has been very difficult for the residents to have access to potable water and electricity. However, this research has discovered that most of the contemporary residents of this island take for granted the water and energy that come to their house. By understanding the historical development of the local water and energy systems, a clearer sense of community identity can be established. This research project was started in February, 2009, and the accumulation of the data is still not enough. So far there are very limited preceding studies focused on environmental issues of Okinoerabu Island. For example, Mie University (1994) explores polluted ground water in Wadomari Town, in a famous study known as "The Taniyama Report," (a primary source in the environmental research in Okinoerabu Island.) I analyze more detailed circumstances about the development of ESD, which assumes an axis with the water resources and the energy issues of Okinoerabu Island. I describe a community improvement plan that I describe as "Sustainable Society". I would like to utilize ESD and this concrete example, and would like to seek the possibility of the ESD promotion in Okinoerabu Island in near future.}, pages = {1--16}, title = {鹿児島県・沖永良部島における水資源とエネルギー問題を中心としたESD(持続可能な開発のための教育)の現状と課題}, volume = {2}, year = {2010} }