@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004659, author = {HENMI, Tomio and 辺見, 富雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Oceanographical observation and biological research in the eastern North Pacific Ocean were carried out on the training ship "Keiten Maru" of Kagoshima University from December, 1974 to February, 1975. The oceanic characteristics and the distribution of zooplankton observed during our research are described in this paper. There exists a water mass of low temperature and low salinity (lower than 16°C in water temperature and 33.50‰ in salinity) on the surface of eastern waters in the eastern North Pacific Ocean and another water mass of high temperature and high salinity (more than 21°C and 35.20‰ respectively) in the western waters of the Ocean. A remarkable transition zone is observable around 129°W. The thermocline becomes gradually shallower from the west to the east, and the existence of short time-scale upwelling is suspected. The meso-scale eddies are observed in the east-north east area of Hawaiian Islands, 28°N, 140°W-150°W. The maximum flow speed in the eastern water and that of the western water are 0.3 kt and 1.0 kt, respectively. In this region, zooplanktons are far more abundant in the eastern cold waters than in the western warm waters. Of the planktons, Copepoda occupies more than 70% of the total individual number. Ceratium, radiolaria, and appendicularia occur widely, though the number of individuals is small.}, pages = {161--180}, title = {The oceanographical research in the Northeastern Pacific I}, volume = {25}, year = {1976} }