@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004734, author = {IWAKIRI, Shigero and 岩切, 成郎}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Until recent years, it has been observed that the planning for Fisheries Development in the Developing Countries has been approached, in most cases, technically. These approaches are directed to develop the standard of engineering facilities, infra-structural facilities like communication network, managerial and supervisory services etc., object of which is, of course, profit oriented. On the other hand, practically little emphasis has been placed on the socio-logical aspects in order to improve the fishermen's social position and help them to enjoy better standard of living. The present study on the economic aspects of the Fisheries development of Bangladesh is directed to analyse the present situation of Bangladesh Fisheries and to find out the basic philosophy for development planning with respect to the present condition of Bangladesh which will place emphasis not only upon the technical aspects but also upon the socio-economic aspects of fisheries regions for the betterment of millions of fishermen which will also help to implement technological methods of production in the fishing industry. This study was carried out as a result of fact finding in Bangladesh in January, 1977.}, pages = {215--226}, title = {Preliminary Study on Economic Aspects for Fisheries Planning in the Developing Country : A Case Study for the Bangladesh Fisheries Development Project}, volume = {26}, year = {1977} }