@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004782, author = {NAKAMURA, Kaworu and 中村, 薫 and HIYAMIZU, Ko-ji and 冷水, 幸二}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Branchial organ of the prawn consists of the eighteen paired gill units, that is, six wall-gills, five anterior joint-gills, six posterior joint-gills and a foot-gill. Their distribution is as follows: a foot-and two joint-gills on the 2nd maxilliped; a set of a wall-and two joint-gills on each of the 3rd maxilliped, 1st, 2nd and 3rd pereiopods; a wall-and a joint-gill on the 4th pereiopod; a foot-gill on the 5th pereiopod. Branchial unit is classified as a dendrobranchia type, and shows externally a sack-like shape. Its structural components are a central axis, primary gill filaments and finer gill filaments which diverge from the primary ones. Afferent and efferent vessels run in pairs along the central axis, braching out at each entrance of primary gill filaments to those distal ends of still more diverged filaments. At the tips of filaments, each of vascular ducts forms a loop connection between afferent and efferent vessels. Efferent vessels getting out of their proper gills run upwards to the collecting cavity just before a pericardium. Their passages inside the thoracic wall are organized with duct-like gaps which have been formed by the thoracic shell and basal muscles of legs concerned. Arrangement of the paired vessel pores at the branchial attachment shows a certain regularity, that is, as for all of the wall-gills except of the 2nd maxilliped the efferent pores are situated peripherally than the afferent ones, reversely to the foot-and joint-gills. As for the wall-gill of the 2nd maxilliped, it is positioned approximately in parallel with the afferent one.}, pages = {277--288}, title = {Anatomy of the Branchial Organ of the Prawn, Penaeus japonicus BATE}, volume = {30}, year = {1981} }