@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004803, author = {肥後, 伸夫 and HIGO, Nobio and 本中野, 伸一 and MOTONAKANO, Shinichi and 吐師, 弘 and HASHI, Hiroshi and 林, 広之 and HAYASHI, Hiroyuki and 篠原, 佳人 and SHINOHARA, Yoshito and 田畑, 静夫 and TABATA, Shizuo}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {As the result of the submering on the spot observations carried out at the 33 locations in the sea fronts of the Fukiage Beach in Kagoshima Prefecture during the period from 1981 to 1982, the following investigations were obtained concerning the shape of artificial reef, the state of block-burid under the sand and the species of gathering fish. (1) The most numerous shape of the artificial concrete block reef was the two heaps type, which was equivalent to 48% of the total, when added with three heaps type this amounted to be 61% of the whole. As to the head, about 36% of the whole counted above 4.1m from sea bottom to the block top, the height one measuring 10m. (2) The block-buried degree per one year was counted to be 3~4cm in the part along the seashore, that in the off shore being 3~5cm. In about 74% of the artificial reefs, it was southerns side and northern side of on block that the sand exovation action by the moving tide was observed. (3) The sea front showing a high effectivity in fish gathering was fixed to be the central sea front in the Fukiage Beach the sea bottom of which was flat. The species of fish which was noted most often as in the following, those belonging to the pelagic fish were fixed to be Blue sprat, Spratelloides japonicus, Horse mackerel, Trachurus japonicus, and those belonging to the demersal fish were Barface cardinalfish, Apogon semilineatus, Chicken Grunt, Parapristipoma trilineatum, Rock breame, Oplegnathus fasciatus, Grunt, Pleoctorhynchus cinctus and Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Concerning the grouping shape of the artificial reefs having the highest effectivity in fish gathering, it was astertained that in case of pelagic fish, the mountainously shaped one was better than the scattering one, and in case of the demersal fish the two heaps type was better than the one heap type., 昭和56年7月より昭和57年10月にかけ,薩摩半島吹上浜沖合海域において,33個所の人工魚礁を潜水観察し,魚礁の形態,埋没,蝟集魚について下記のような知見を得た。1) 観察した魚礁の形態で最も多い型は2山型で全体の48%を占め,3山型を加えると61%となる。頂部の高さは4.1m以上のものが36%を占め,最高は10mである。2) 魚礁の埋没の速さは,沿岸部で2~4cm/年,沖合で3~5cm/年となる。また洗堀現象は74%の魚礁の南面及び北面でみられた。3) 魚礁の蝟集効果の最も高い魚礁は海底が平坦で浅海の吹上浜中央部の海域の魚礁群である。浮魚はキビナゴ,マアジ,底魚はネンブツダイ,イサキ,イシダイ,コショウダイ,ヒラメが特に多く観察された。優れた魚礁の形態は,浮魚では分散型より山型の方が,また底魚では1山型より2山型の方がより良好である。}, pages = {207--228}, title = {潜水観察による人工魚礁の実態について XI : 薩摩半島吹上浜沖合海域の場合}, volume = {32}, year = {1983} }