@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004873, author = {西元, 諄一 and 田中, 和夫}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {In order to fix some conditions to keep the quality of frozen whole-round skip-jack unchanged, a histological experiment was carried out. The results obtained are as follows: 1) A little differences were observed between the tissue of the full-rigor type and that of the post-rigor type in the three diffiicult states, fresh, frozen and defrosted. In the frozen state the tissue of full-rigor type was somewhat superior to that of post-rigor type, but after thawing the former was inferior to the latter, afrer the storage term of 1 or 2 months. 2) The state of the fibre-muscle of frozen tissue after one month of its storage was almost similar to that of the tissue observed immediately after freezing, and when they were defrosted, the fibres of the tissue stored for 1 and 2 months were similar in appearance to those of the fresh state (normal). 3) The frozen tissue stored for more than 3 months considerably changed, and that of above 6 months storage could not be restored to the normal state after thawing. The extractability of myosin (actomyosin) of the fresh ones and protein-N value of the drip decreased (as it was showed in previous paper) and intercellular splitting spreaded and the fibres were deformed and their arragement was disorganized. 4) The authors suggested that frozen skip-jack muscle stored at -17°C could be restored to the normal state when it was defrosted within 3 months after storage., 1) 総体的に鮮度の極めてよい硬直型,それより劣る非硬直型との間にはいずれがよいか判定は難しいが,冷蔵初期(1,2ヵ月)では,凍結中の繊維状態は硬直型が良好で,解凍後は非硬直型が良い様に思われる。2) 冷蔵保管期間1ヵ月目の筋肉繊維は凍結直後の正常なものと大差なく,解凍の場合0,1,2ヵ月のものは生鮮時と大同小異なることを認めた。3) 3ヵ月冷蔵保管のものから月の経過と共に異状が増加し,6ヵ月以上になると復元性が乏しく,前報でみた様にミオシン態窒素やドリップ中の蛋白にかなりはっきりした減少がみられまた繊維間隙は大きく,形は不整となり,配列は乱れ,筋衣の崩壊等もみられ甚だこのましくないものとなった。4) 凍結鰹肉は解凍して利用するものであるから,解凍した時生鮮時の状態に復帰することが望ましいが,この結果より-17°Cの冷蔵保管では3ヵ月目まではほぼ生鮮時の状態に戻るものと思われる。}, pages = {70--73}, title = {鰹肉の冷蔵保管中の変化 II : 組織切片の観察について}, volume = {8}, year = {} }