@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004916, author = {長嶋, 俊介}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {山川は琉球薩摩航路の枢要な天然良港であった。琉球薩摩の歴史遺物のみならず、江戸期の文化・植物伝播、江戸末期の開国に関わる、日本国全体の歴史にとっても重要な場所である。2009年すなわち薩摩による琉球侵攻400周年に際して、山川市民は記念碑を建立し、沖縄の大学・大学生がこの港で、慰霊等の諸活動を行ったが、その痕跡も確認した。またここは全国3大鰹節産地であり、とりわけ最高級のカビ付き本節の最大産地である。その現況と推移も調べた。, Yamakawa Port has been a cardinal natural harbor for Ryukyu Kingdom (the present day Okinawa)-Satsuma (now Kagoshima Prefecture) maritime trade route, especially of sugar trade. It has also had indispensable involvement in the Japanese history: the cultural and plantation propagation during Edo Period as well as being involved with pre-reopening ports for foreign trade towards the end of Edo Period. We pursued the review of past 400 years of the Yamakawa Port with preserved Ryukyu-Satsuma historical heritages and relics. One such momento was 400th commemoration of Satsuma domain invasion of Ryukyu. This was hosted at the Port by Yamakawa citizens along with an Okinawan university and their students, and they erected commemorative monuments. The port is also one of the three major production sites for dried bonitos. Notably, it is the place for the production of fungi dried bonitoes, a premium delicacy. We investigated the manufacturing processes and its trends.}, pages = {108--120}, title = {山川港:ネシアの玄関口-その歴史・産業・文化-}, volume = {51}, year = {} }