@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004917, author = {梁川, 英俊}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {島唄学習者では若い世代が注目を集めている。しかし今回奄美大島の5つの島唄教室 で行った調査では,退職後の世代もそれに劣らず多く,また熱心であることが分かった。 とくに公民館講座では,生徒のほとんどが60歳以上であった。彼らは大半が奄美大島生 まれだが,習い始めるまで島唄をほとんど知らない。奄美大島では,島唄は年老いてか ら自らのアイデンティティーを再確認するための手段のひとつになっているようだ。, We know that many young people learn Amami fork songs called Shimauta. But a survey I did in five shimauta schools in Amami-Oshima Island in November 2010 reveals that many old people learn Shimauta diligently. Especially in co㎜ unity centers, almost all students are over 60 years. They were born in Amami- Oshima Island, but they have known almost nothing about their fork songs before learning. Shimauta seems a symbol of their identity that becomes more important with age.}, pages = {11--15}, title = {なぜ島唄を習うのか? ―奄美大島における島唄教室の調査から―}, volume = {52}, year = {} }