@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00004969, author = {髙山, 耕二 and TAKAYAMA, Koji and 内富, 大輔 and UCHITOMI, Daisuke and 溝口, 由子 and MIZOGUCHI, Yuko and 城戸, 麻里 and KIDO, Mari and 冨永, 輝 and TOMINAGA, Akira and 田浦, 一成 and TAURA, Issei and 野村, 哲也 and NOMURA, Tetsuya and 大島, 一郎 and OSHIMA, Ichiro and 中西, 良孝 and NAKANISHI, Yoshitaka}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study was conducted to compare the meat and egg production of Aigamo ducks between formula feed (control) (ME: 2,850 kcal/kg, CP: 18.0%) and experimental feed replaced 60% of formula feed with paddy rice as feed (PRF) on a dry matter basis (ME: 2,877 kcal/kg, CP: 17.4%). The average body weight (BW) of the ducks fed a PRF diet was 1,673 g at 12 weeks of age, being significantly lower than that of control (2,003 g, P<0.05). As for the carcass characteristics, no significant difference was observed in the dressing percentage between the treatments, though the dressed carcass weight of the PRF group was significantly lower than that of control (P<0.05). The sensory test for breast meats was not significantly different between treatments. The egg production rate (hen day's average) of the PRF group was 27.0%, being significantly lower than that of control (53.4%, P<0.05). The average egg weight of the PRF group was also significantly smaller (P<0.05). As for egg quality, percentages of the yolk, albumen and shell weight to total egg weight, and shell thickness were not significantly different between treatments. The color fan scores of egg yolks were 10.8 and 5.0 for control and the PRF, respectively, showing that the latter was significantly lower (P<0.05). The results indicated that paddy rice as feed could be one of the most promising self sufficient feed for Aigamo ducks, though the diet replaced 60% of formula feed with paddy rice as feed (DM basis) caused a lower meat and egg productivity than the formula feed only.}, pages = {7--10}, title = {飼料用米の給与が合鴨の卵肉生産に及ぼす影響}, volume = {34}, year = {2012}, yomi = {タカヤマ, コウジ and ウチトミ, ダイスケ and ミゾグチ, ユウコ and キド, マリ and トミナガ, アキラ and タウラ, イッセイ and ノムラ, テツヤ and オオシマ, イチロウ and ナカニシ, ヨシタカ} }