@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005018, author = {伊豆川, 淺吉 and IZUKAWA, Asakichi}, journal = {鹿児島水産専門学校研究報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {We take the historical and actual method in economic studies of Japanese Bonito Fisheries for reason of odd characteres in economics of that industries. Upon the historical method, we complement the lack of thery Economic stage Theory of Historical school by the logics of Historical materialism, then, we take the Historical materialism only through heuristic method as it contained some inconsistencies, and at last, adjusting them to synthetic theory of history by Ideal Type of Max Weber. By taking this methodology, we reorganize and constitute the economic development of Japanese Bonito Fisheries.}, pages = {151--172}, title = {日本鰹漁業の経済的研究(1)}, volume = {1}, year = {1950} }