@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005024, author = {金澤, 昭夫 and KANAZAWA, Akio}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Generally, the vitamin B-complex widely contains both in the animal and vegetable kingdom, and a lot of reports have been published concerning its content, but as to the vitamin B-complex in marine algae, we have had only partial and fragmentary reports in two or three special sorts of it. However, much amounts of marine algae growing in the ocean is not utilized to-day. Accordingly, with the use of scores of marine algae in the southern sea-fronts of Japan as the material, content-measurement was carried out on the following vitamin B complex; namely, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, lipoic acid, B_12, choline and inositol. The clarified results of the study may be used as some important referential materials in the further utilization of algae as foods and feeding materials for some domestic animals., First, the respective vitamin-content in the specific algae was examined with the following results ascertained; namely, thiamine content was found to be within the range of 0.27-4.60 γ/g., being abundant in Gracilaria textorii, Gloiopeltis tenax, Chondrus ocellatus: Riboflavin content, 0.84-23.08 γ/g., being abundant in Porphyra tenera, Gelidium amansii, Chondrus ocellatus, Gloiopeltis tenax: Nicotinic acid content, 3.51-68.33 γ/g., being abundant in Porphyra tenera, Laurencia okamurai, Gracilaria textorii: Pantothenic acid content, 0.25-12.21 γ/g., being abundant in Lomentaria catenata, Gracilaria textorii, Laurencia okamurai, Sargassum thunbergii: Folic acid content, 46.0-857.1 mγ/g., being abundant in Hydroclathrus, clathratus, Gelidium amansii, Laurencia okamurai: Biotin content, 18-294 mγ/g., being abundant in Porphyra tenera, Sargassum thunbergii, Hizikia fusiforme, Ulva pertusa: Lipoic acid content, 90-985 mγ/g., being abundant in Craciloria textorii, Porphyra tenera, Chondrus ocellatus: B_12 content, 3.3-290.8 mγ/g., being abundant in Porphyra tenera, Chondrococcus japonicus, Gracilaria gigas, Caulerpa racemosa: Choline content, 24-4885 γ/g., being abundant in Gelidium amansii, Porphyra tenera: Inositol content, 55-1131 γ/g., being abundant in Myelophycus caespitosus, Gracilaria textorii, Caulerpa racemosa, Sargassum thunbergii., Concerning, the class-specific difference of these vitamin-contents in the three classes of Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae, in case of Chlorophyceae, the scarcity of the measured samples prevented the fixed conclusion, but in case of the other two classes a considerable difference was generally confirmed. This is to say that in Rhodophyceae such vitamin B-complex as thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, B_12 and choline are more abundant than in Phaeophyceae. While, the biotin content was found to be less in Rhodophyceae than in Phaeophyceae by about one and half. Concerning the contents of other vitamin B-complex, in folic acid and inositol, almost no difference could be observed., Next, after making a comparison of the vitamin content of algae assayed by author with those of vegetables, fruits, meats and fish-meats which have been well known, among the animal and vegetable foods, for their rich vitamin-content, the following results were obtained, namely: Among vitamin B-complex in the marine algae, the contents of inositol, folic acid and thiamine are, in some classes, inferior to those of animal and vegetable foods: while, other vitamin B-complex contents, namely the contents of B_12, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, lipoic acid and choline were found to be equal or even superior to those of other foods. In summary, the hitherto neglected role of the marine algae as the vitamin B-complex supplying resources was explored and fixed to be of equal or even more excellent value, as compared with such important foods as vegetables, fruits, and meats. According to the advancement of the researches concerned with the distribution of marine algae and the studies of the utilities for foods accompanied with the advanced technique of putting, dressing, and manufacturing of the marine algae, their vast potentiality as the vitamin B supplying resources would be beyond estimation., By the way, among the vitamin B-complex, as to pantothenic acid, biotin, lipoic acid, choline, and inositol, hitherto, almost nothing was known about their existence, to say, nothing of their content in algae, so, the present author was fortunate enough to be the first one to have confirmed their existence and fixed their contents. Farther more, it was, also, ascertained that, as was generally seen in animal and vegetable tissue, vitamin B-complex in the marine algae was found to be existing in the conjugated form. And it was after changing this conjugated form into free form that each separate assays was carried out by the present author concerning the specific form. And in folic acid, biotin and B_12 there exist many homologues in respective case, so, on separate assays of these homologues was carried out respectively, and the general existence-manner of the vitamin B-complex in marine algae field was here ascertained.}, pages = {38--69}, title = {海藻のビタミンB群に関する研究 I : ビタミン含有量について}, volume = {10}, year = {1961} }