@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005299, author = {大木, 公彦 and OKI, Kimihiko}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告, Occasional papers}, month = {Jul}, note = {Late Pleistocene marine sediments (the Shiroyama, Shirakawa, Kushira, and Natsui formations), overlain by the Ata Pyroclastic Flow, are sporadically distributed in Kagoshima Prefecture. Various lines of information (stratigraphy, lithology, and paleontology) imply that these marine sediments are all of the same age, falling within Oxygen Isotope Stage 7 or 5e. With the exception of the Natsui Formation, Which only contains carbonate shells and tests entirely subjected to dissolution, the foraminiferal faunas of these marine sediments are dominated by the abundant occurrence of Ammonia tepida, an index species of inner and brackish water environments, and Buccella frigida, an index species of nearshore and cold water. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages and other fossils suggest that these marine sediments were deposited in inner bay or nearshore areas under the influence of brackish water. Foraminifera-bearing mud is generally 9-33m below the present sea level, with the sample horizons of fossil foraminifera in the Shiroyama Formation situated 30-35m above the present sea level. The southern part of the Yoshino Plateau where the Shiroyama Formation is distributed has been uplifted since the Late Pleistocene to tilt southwestward.}, pages = {81--87}, title = {鹿児島県に分布する後期更新世海成層の堆積環境とネオテクトニクス}, volume = {32}, year = {1999} }