@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005365, author = {大島, 一郎 and Oshima, Ichiro and 松元, 里志 and Matsumoto, Satoshi and 木山, 孝茂 and Kiyama, Takashige and 廣瀬, 潤 and Hirose, Jun and 石井, 大介 and Ishii, Daisuke and 片平, 清美 and Katahira, Kiyomi and 山口, 浩 and Yamaguchi, Hiroshi and 主税, 裕樹 and Chikara, Yuki and 髙山, 耕二 and Takayama, Koji and 中西, 良孝 and Nakanishi, Yoshitaka}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In order to evaluate the utilization of rubbed bamboo as bedding for Japanese Black heifers, an experiment was conducted. Six heifers (17.5 months old) were divided into two groups (3 animals each). One group was reared on sawdust bedding (sawdust group) and the other on rubbed bamboo bedding (bamboo group) for 3 months. Both groups were fed equal amounts of concentrates and Italian ryegrass silage. All animals had free access to water and salt block. Changes in bedding temperature and in NH3 concentration from bedding in bamboo group over time were similar to those in sawdust group, and no significant differences were found between the two groups. By the end of the experiment, the bamboo bedding was trodden down harder, and divided into two layers. In the upper layer, the bedding was mixed with excreta, but no infiltration of urine was observed in the lower layer. The outflow of urine from bedding was not observed in either group. Since daily weight gain of cattle in bamboo group was rather higher than that observed in sawdust group, it was speculated that bamboo bedding gave no negative effect to cattle growth. From these results, it is suggested that rubbed bamboo is as useful a resource for Japanese Black heifers bedding as sawdust.}, pages = {7--11}, title = {解砕繊維状竹粉の黒毛和種育成雌牛への敷料利用}, volume = {35}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オオシマ, イチロウ and マツモト, サトシ and キヤマ, タカシゲ and ヒロセ, ジュン and イシイ, ダイスケ and カタヒラ, キヨミ and ヤマグチ, ヒロシ and チカラ, ユウキ and タカヤマ, コウジ and ナカニシ, ヨシタカ} }