@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005740, author = {松沼, 瑞樹 and Matsunuma, Mizuki and 原崎, 森 and Harazaki, Shigeru and 目黒, 昌利 and Meguro, Masatoshi and 荻原, 豪太 and Ogihara, Gota and 本村, 浩之 and Motomura, Hiroyuki}, journal = {日本生物地理学会会報}, month = {Dec}, note = {Four and 24 specimens of two haemulids, Plectorhinchus gibbosus and Pomadasys quadrilineatus, respectively, were collected from several localities in Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. Plectorhinchus gibbosus has never been recorded from Kyushu or Tanegashima Islands, the present specimens representing the first records of the species from the above areas. Although P. quadrilineatus has been sometimes recognized as a rare species in Japanese waters, numerous specimens of the species were collected from Kagoshima and schools of P. quadrilineatus were recorded by underwater photographs from inshore of Yakushima Island. The two species are described on the basis of the collected specimens and underwater photographs. In addition, comparisons of P. gibbosus with a closely related species, Plectorhinchus cinctus, at juvenile stages are made in detail., 鹿児島県各地からイサキ科のクロコショウダイおよびスジミゾイサキが採集された.前者は九州沿岸および種子島からの初記録となる.後者は日本国内では稀種と考えられていたが,周年にわたり鹿児島県内の各地から多数の個体が採集され,種子島と屋久島で成魚が多数確認されたことから同島沿岸で本種が再生産している可能性が示唆された.本報告では鹿児島県から得られたイサキ科2種を標本に基づいて記載するとともに,幼魚期のクロコショウダイとコショウダイの形態比較を行い,両種は色彩および計数形質で区別できることを確認した.}, pages = {57--67}, title = {イサキ科魚類2種クロコショウダイとスジミゾイサキの鹿児島県における記録およびクロコショウダイとコショウダイ幼魚期の形態比較}, volume = {64}, year = {2009}, yomi = {マツヌマ, ミズキ and ハラザキ, シゲル and メグロ, マサトシ and オギハラ, ゴウタ and モトムラ, ヒロユキ} }