@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005741, author = {荻原, 豪太 and Ogihara, Gota and 原崎, 森 and Harazaki, Shigeru and 本村, 浩之 and Motomura., Hiroyuki}, journal = {日本生物地理学会会報}, month = {Dec}, note = {従来沖縄島が分布の北限と考えられていたハゼ科サラサハゼ属ワカケサラサハゼ Amblygobius linki が奄美大島の河口域から採集された.また,本種は屋久島の安房川河口でも目視確認され,撮影された.これらはワカケサラサハゼの鹿児島県からの初記録であり,本種の分布の北限が屋久島になる.本報告では,採集された標本に基づき詳細な記載を行った., A single specimen of Amblygobius linki Herre, 1927 was collected off Amami–oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and this species was photographed at the mouth of the Ambo River in Yaku-shima Island, the Ryukyu Islands. Because the species has been known only from Okinawa Island and southward in Japanese waters, the Amami-oshima Island specimen and the Yaku-shima Island photographic individual represent the first records of A. linki from Kagoshima Prefecture, and the latter being the northernmost record for the species.}, pages = {41--45}, title = {ワカケサラサハゼ Amblygobius linki の奄美大島と屋久島からの記録}, volume = {64}, year = {2009}, yomi = {オギハラ, ゴウタ and ハラザキ, シゲル and モトムラ, ヒロユキ} }