@techreport{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00005996, author = {小山, 佳一 and KOYAMA, Keiichi}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {2011-2013年度科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書 課題番号:22360285 研究代表者:小山佳一(鹿児島大学・理工学研究科・教授), 強磁性体MnBiの強磁場中熱分析の結果について解析したところ、強磁性MnBi-->常磁性Mn1.08Bi+液相への分解温度(約630K @ゼロ磁場)が磁場45Tで約90K上昇する。Mn-Biの磁場18Tの平衡状態図を実験的に完成させ、ゼロ磁場と大きく異なることを見出した。強磁場中の平衡状態図は本研究が初めてである。炭素鋼の強磁場中状態図を作成した。CALPHAD法に磁場中磁気エネルギーを取り込んだ計算手法を開発した。強磁場平衡状態図を基礎に強磁場による純良試料の作成に成功した。, Differential thermal analysis was carried out for ferromagnetic material MnBi in the temperature range 300-773K in magnetic fields up to 45 T. The decomposition temperature Tt (MnBi -> Mnl.08 Bi + liquid) increases from 632 K (at a zero field) to 714 K by applying a magnetic field of 45 T. In addition, the Bi-Mn phase diagram at 18 T was obtained, which quite different from that at a zero magneticfield. We also obtained the Fe-C steel phase diagram under high magnetic fields over 18 T. The thermodynamic calculations of the Bi-Mn binary phase diagram in high magnetic fields are carried out by the Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams (CALPHAD) method. The calculated results show the significant change of the Bi -Mn phase diagram under magnetic fields, which were in good agreement with the experimental results of in-field thermal analysis performed by our research group.}, title = {機能性発現を目指した磁性金属合金の強磁場中状態図}, year = {} }