@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000647, author = {西村, 明 and 桑原, 季雄 and 尾崎, 孝宏}, journal = {南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {This study focuses on the bullfight as a cultural event, and aims to show the possibility of regional cultural exchange in East Asia through bullfighting in Okinawa, Tokunoshima in Kagoshima Prefecture, and Uwajima in Ehime Prefecture. Though the bullfight existed in isolation in each region in the past, this study shows that actually the above three regions are connected dynamically with each other through the exchange of men, bulls and information about bullfighting. Furthermore we show that there exists a culture of bullfighting. Today in Japan, the bullfight is seen mainly in rural areas such as remote islands, isolated districts and farming villages, which are often characterized as backward and peripheral regions. However people in these regions today are very active in exchange of men, cattle, and information with each other, and even organize an `international bullfight summit' every year. This phenomenon cannot be understood within a simple dichotomy of center-periphery or advanced urban against backward country. Rather it is an example of regional cultural interaction in the information age.}, pages = {167--179}, title = {沖縄、徳之島および宇和島の闘牛に関する比較研究}, volume = {46}, year = {} }