@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00006694, author = {KANOUCHI, Hiroaki and TAGA, Masaki and MATSUMOTO, Mitsuharu and OKA, Tatsuzo}, journal = {Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {Perchloric acid-soluble protein (PSP) is highly conserved during evolution from bacteria to mammals. Although PSP has been recognized as an inhibitor of translation and a μ-calpain activator, its precise biological role has not yet been elucidated. Because the μ-calpain has been reported to act as an inducer of apoptosis in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stressed cells, we speculated that PSP might be associated with ER-stress. In this study, we used immunoelectron microscopy to demonstrate that PSP locates on the ER membrane. Moreover, various ER-stressors (thapsigargin, A23187, tunicamycin, brefeldin A and cisplatin) provoked dramatic change in localization of PSP from ER to nuclei. These results suggest that PSP is a novel ER-stress associated protein and may induce attenuation of translation and/or apoptosis in ER-stressed cells.}, pages = {17--24}, title = {Perchloric acid-soluble protein is accumulated in nuclei by ER-stressors}, volume = {40}, year = {} }