@inproceedings{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00006806, author = {山之上, 卓 and Yamanoue, Takashi}, book = {情報処理学会研究報告. DSM, [分散システム/インターネット運用技術]}, issue = {31}, month = {Mar}, note = {A report on the ACM SIGUCCS Fall 2004 Conference is presented. About 400 people from many parts of the US and other countries were took part in the conference. Various kinds of issues on management and user services of IT infrastructure in higher education institutions were discussed. There were many events which provide the places to make friends among the participants., 2004年10月にアメリカ合衆国ボルチモアで開催されたACM SIGUCCS Fall 2004 Conferenceの参加報告を行う。全米のほとんどの州および、世界各地から約400名の参加者があり、高等教育機関のIT基盤管理運営関する様々な事項の意見交換と、参加者間の交流促進が行われた。}, pages = {67--72}, publisher = {社団法人情報処理学会, Information Processing Society of Japan}, title = {ACM SIGUCCS Fall 2004 Conference参加報告}, volume = {2005}, year = {2005} }