@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000725, author = {高橋, 実 and TAKAHASHI, Minoru and 税所, 俊郎 and SAISHO, Toshio}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {1. The Phyllosoma larvae of the Scyllarid lobster, Ibacus ciliatus and Ibacus novemdentatus were successfully reared in the laboratory up to the last stage and the reptant larvae. The phyllosoma larva was fed in its early stages on Artemia salina nauplius and latter meat of the short neck clam, Tapes philippinarum was added. The reptant larva was fed only on meat of Tapes phillippinarum. 2. The growth of phyllosomas of Ibacus ciliatus. The first phyllosoma stage (3.3 mm in body length) reached the seventh stage (30-34 mm) in 44 days and attained the eigth stage (40-42 mm), the final stage, in 54 days. Some phyllosoma of the seventh stage metamorphosed directly into the reptant larvae (35 mm) while others molted to the eigth stage before metamorphosing into the reptant larvae (38-42 mm) 76 days after hatching out. The water temperature of the rearing tanks were kept at 25°C. 3. The growth of phyllosomas of Ibacus novemdentatus. The first phyllosoma stage (3.05 mm in body length) reached the final seventh stage (21-24 mm) in 53 days and metamorphosed into the reptant larvae (26-27 mm) 65 days after hatching out. The water temperature of the rearing tanks were kept at 23-25°C. 4. The molting interval varied according to each phyllosoma stage. The first stage took about 11 days then it gradually decreased towards the fifth stage when it took 5-6 days and latter it gradually increased to 12 days at the seventh stage. The molting interval variations between stages were almost the same in both species. 5. The state of development of the appendages in each molt of the phyllosoma larvae were rather regular and each instar corresponding to each stage. According to the development of the appendages and body proportions observed on the specimens obtained for this study, the phyllosoma larvae of Ibacus ciliatus were devided into 8 stages and Ibacus novemdentatus into 7 stages. 6. When the last phyllosoma stage metamorphosed into the reptant larvae a very small decrease in body length were observed though they underwent a considerable morphological change., 1. ウチワエビ Ibacus ciliatus およびオオバウチワエビ I.novemdentatus の孵化幼生を循環濾過式水槽を用い,アルテミアのノープリウスとアサリ肉を与えながら飼育したところ,それぞれフィロゾーマ幼生からほふく幼生を経て稚えびまでの成長に成功した。 2. ウチワエビでは1973年10月10日に孵化したフィロゾーマ幼生(体長平均3.3mm)が44日目に第7期フィロゾーマ(30~34mm)に,54日目に第8期フィロゾーマ(40~42mm) に達した。第7期フィロゾーマに到達した21尾の中,3尾は58日目にほふく幼生(35mm)に変態した。残りは第8期フィロゾーマとなり,76日目にほふく幼生(38~42mm)へ変態した。飼育中の水温は23~26°Cを維持した。脱皮の間隔は第1期フィロゾーマでは平均11日であったが次第に短かくなり,第4期では平均6.5日であった。それ以後は再び増加し第7期では約12日であった。 3. オオバウチワエビの場合,1971年11月6日に孵化したフィロゾーマ幼生(平均体長3.05mm)が53日後に第7期フィロゾーマ(21~24mm)に成長し,63日後にほふく幼生(26~27mm)へ変態した。飼育中の水温は16~24°Cを維持した。脱皮の間隔は第1期フィロゾーマでは約11日で,第5期では5~6日,第7期では11~12日で変動の傾向はウチワエビの場合に類似していた。 4. ウチワエビおよびオオバウチワエビのフィロゾーマ幼生に見られる脱皮と成長はほぼ規則的で,フィロゾーマ期数はウチワエビでは8期,オオバウチワエビでは7期であることが判明した。イセエビ類の場合,instarとstageの数は一致しないが,ウチワエビ類の場合はinstarの数とstageの数は一致するとみてよい。 5. イセエビ類ではフィロゾーマ幼生からプエルルス幼生へ変態する場合,体長の収縮を伴うことが知られている。ウチワエビの変態の場合,頭胸甲,附属肢等の変形は著しいが,体長においてはほとんど収縮せず,中には変態によって僅かに体長増加を示すものもあった。}, pages = {305--353}, title = {ウチワエビ幼生とオオバウチワエビ幼生の完全飼育について}, volume = {27}, year = {1978} }