@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000731, author = {山崎, 繁久 and YAMASAKI, Shigehisa and 宇杉, 正明 and USUGI, Masaaki and 平田, 八郎 and HIRATA, Hachiro}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Rearing of prawn larvae was tested by feeding them on living and frozen rotifers, through their early developmental stages, from zoea to post-larva. An interesting aspect of the feeding behavior of the larvae was observed in this study. In addition, the nutritional level of rotifers, fed at different food densities, was observed on the basis of calorie content of the rotifers. Prawn larvae were reared in 1.5 l glass vessels with funnel shape bottom at an initial density of 100 indiv./l. The larvae were fed on Chaetoceros sp., cultured in organic medium, and rotifers cultured on Chlorella sp. (0.1×10^<6> cells/ml). The feeding amount was calculated refering HIRATA. The density of larvae and the developmental stages were observed every morning before feeding and the changing of 20% of the rearing water. The rotifers were cultured at 25°C in a 500 l polycarbonate tank, fed on Chlorella sp. Sampling for calorimetry was started at the time when the Chlorella sp. density in the rotifer culture decreased to 0.5×10^<6> cells/ml. Samples were taken at 6 hours intervals, and calorie contents determined by bomb calorimetry. Survival rates of the larvae fed on living and frozen rotifers, decreased rapidly 26 and 38%, respectively, during the 1st zoea stage; and the rapid decrease of 20% was observed in the treatment of Chaetoceros sp. during the 3rd mysis stage. From this, it can be concluded that the 1st zoea stage larva was typically herbivorous while the 3rd mysis stage was typically carnivorous. The poriod between them thus exhibited an omnivorous habit. Calorie content of rotifer decreased from 5.1 Kcal/g to 4.6 Kcal/g after all Chlorella sp. cells were consumed. Frozen rotifers showed the same food efficiency as living rotifers for the rearing of prawn larvae after the 2nd zoea stage.}, pages = {289--294}, title = {シオミズツボワムシの給餌によるクルマエビ幼生の飼育}, volume = {30}, year = {1981} }