@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007532, author = {岡村, 俊一 and OKAMURA, Shunichi and 浜崎, 美智子 and HAMASAKI, Michiko}, journal = {鹿児島大学工学部研究報告, The research reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University}, month = {Sep}, note = {This studies were carried out to clarify the rolling and recrystallization behaviors of 20% Cr-Ni alloy. The results are as follows : In the both specimens slow-cooled and quenched during heat treatment before cold rolling, RD//<110> componet appeared in the rolling textures at smaller reduction. In the specimen quenched during heat treatment before cold rolling, preferred orientations of rolling are (001)[110]+(111)[110]+(001)[100]+(112)[111]. Its RD//<<110> compornent tended to decrease after recrystallization and preferred orientations of recrystallization are (001)[100]+(110)[001]+(111)[312]+(411)[148]+(001)[110]. In the recrystallization texture slow-cooled during heat treatment before cold rolling, RD//<110> component diminished at smaller reduction than quenched ones.}, pages = {47--56}, title = {固溶体合金の再結晶(Cr-Ni合金の冷間圧延集合組織と再結晶集合組織について)}, volume = {12}, year = {1970} }