@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000757, author = {肥後, 伸夫 and 符, 啓超 and 西野, 英人 and 上山, 洋昭 and 福島, 賢二 and 吐師, 弘}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {Concerning the reefs of concrete block set, sunken at the 4-spots in the sea-front off Yamagawa-Town, Kagoshima-prefecture, diving observations were carried out with the following informations obtained. (1) The reefs showing the higher fish-gathering effectivities were ascertained to be those blocks having a so called the shape of a dish - a dimensionally formed shape in which there was at the center, a group of set-in-blocks each side of which having the length of 1.5m ; and this particular individual group was surrounded by other series of group-blocks each side of which having the length of about 3m. (2) The lowest fish-gathering effectivity was observed at the reefs made of the scrapped car, which had been scattered along the acutely slanting sea-slope, with the intervals ranging from 15-20m. (3) The proper sea-fronts most fitting for the reefs to be sunken, were assumed to be the following two sea-fronts namely : The sea-front lying off the Yamagawa-harbour, where the Equal depth lines showing the sea-depth of 30m, are stretched against the coast line, drawing a wedge-shaped figure ; and another sea-front off the Nagasakibana sea-promontory., 山川町沖合海域に設置されている4個所の人工魚礁について,昭和60年7月に潜水観察を実施した結果,次のような知見を得た。(1) 2種のコンクリートブロック魚礁と廃車魚礁及び築磯について調査を実施した。このうち魚群の蝟集密度の最も高かった魚礁は,1.5m角ブロック群を中心とし周囲を略3m角のブロック群で囲むように設置されている皿型の構造をした魚礁(YA-1 魚礁)であった。 (2) 魚群の蝟集密度の低い魚礁は急勾配となっている海底斜面上に広く分散して設置されている廃車魚礁(YA-2 魚礁)である。なおこの魚礁は車体間隔即ち魚礁の単体間隔が5~10mとかなり広くなっている。 (3) 魚礁造成の適地としては,水深30mの等深線が稧状に陸岸に向って伸びている山川港ロ沖合と赤水鼻沖合をあげることが出来る。}, pages = {53--66}, title = {潜水観察による人工魚礁の実態について XVIII : 鹿児島湾口山川町沖合海域の場合}, volume = {36}, year = {} }