@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000770, author = {小沢, 貴和}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {Larvae of Vinciguerria nimbaria, a member of mesopelagic fishes belonging to the family Gonostomatidae, were collected in the oceanic waters in the western North Pacific. Their early life history from postlarva to adolescent was studied morphologically, for changes in body form, in visceral organs, and in sequence of initial ossification of bones. It shows very distinct two forms in the course of development : white-bait and adult form. Their differences are mainly as follows. In the white-bait stage, larvae are slender and nearly transparent, eyes are oval, and visceral organs, among which stomach and pyloric caeca are small and pancreas is long, are transparent. In the adult stage, individuals have higher body depth and dense pigmentation along the back, eyes are round and large, and visceral organs are markedly changed : stomach and oesophagus are large and black-pigmented, pyloric caeca have increased in size, and pancreas has shortened. The white-bait stage was divided into three stages : prelarval, with yolk, not included in this study ; postlarval, with typical white-bait form ; and metamorphic. Postlarval stage could be further subdivided into three stages : early postlarval (ca. 2.2-ca. 8mm SL), showing the characteristic arrangement and disappearence of melanophores, rapid depression of head and poor ossification of bony elements ; middle postlarval (ca. 8-12.8mm SL), typical arrangement of melanophores is maintained through to the metamorphic stage, head becomes to be compressed rapidly, and ossification of bones abundant ; and late postlarval (12.2-15.7mm SL), beginning at the appearence of buds of photophores, some of which retard to appear until juvenile. In the metamorphic stage with pigmented photophores (13.5-15.3mm SL), alternation of white-bait and adult form occurs markedly on the whole of the body, and reduction of body length, 2 or 3 mm, was estimated on a difference between body lengths at which ossification of bones ends during the late postlarval stage and starts in the juvenile stage. The development in the adult form stage is progressive, being divided into two stages in this study ; juvenile (12.7-16.2mm SL), to the completion of photophore formation ; and adolescent (15.2mm SL-), almost identical with adult in appearence but sexually immature., 北西太平洋で採集されたヤベウキエソ稚仔魚において,形態の発達,内臓諸器官の発達,骨化過程を調べた。それらを総合して初期生活史における発育期を区分,または細分し,その特徴を下記に要約する。1. シラス形期:成魚とは明らかに異なる形態を保持して発育する。1a. 前期仔魚期:孵化より卵黄吸収まで(今回の研究には含まれていない)。1b. 後期仔魚期:卵黄吸収後,体は典型的なシラス形で発育,成長する。1ba. 後期仔魚早期(体長約2.2~約8mm):体は細長く,黒色素胞は特徴的な体側列と肛門部を除き少ない。目は楕円形で,初期には前向している。頭部を除き体形は一定である。頭幅/頭高の比は0.8から1.5へと急激に増加する。体側中央の色素胞列は成長に従がい消失する。化骨開始の要素は少ない。1bb. 後期仔魚中期(体長約8~12.8mm):体形は前期に類似し,その発達は緩慢である。前期の色素胞は消失し,変態期にかけて特徴的な色素配列となる。背鰭と臀鰭の鰭条は定数となり,腹鰭原基が生ずる。頭幅/頭高の比は1.5から1.0に減少する。化骨の要素が極めて多い。1bc. 後期仔魚末期(体長12.2~15.7mm):発光器原基の形成によって前期と区分されるが,体形は頭部を除き前期にほぼ等しい。腹鰭条および鰓条骨数は定数となる。化骨開始の要素は中程度。1c. 変態期(体長13.5~15.3mm):発光器原基に黒色素胞が現われ,体の縮少を伴ない,仔魚期の特徴は急速に消失するとともに,成魚形の形態が獲得される。眼の円形化,体高と頭長の増大,肛門の前移等が顕著で,体側の黒色素胞はすべて消失する。胸鰭条は定数となり,鱗が体側全域に出現する。化骨開始の要素は中程度。採集個体数は少ない。2. 成魚形期:シラス形と全く異なる中層性魚類の形態的特徴を保持して発育する。2a. 稚魚期(体長12.7~16.2mm):体形(眼形,体部比,体色,内臓等)は成魚の特徴に類似する。眼はわずかに上向し,胸鰭は体軸に水平に開く。初期に化骨開始の要素が多く,ほぼ骨格系の化骨は終了する。2b. 若魚期(体長15.2mm~):発光器の形成が完了してから性的に成熟するまで。生殖腺が発達し始める。稚魚期よりの移行は漸進的であり,体部比の変化等は両期を通して小さい。}, pages = {127--141}, title = {北西太平洋におけるヨコエソ科魚類ヤベウキエソVinciguerria nimbaria (JORDAN and WILLIAMS)の初期生活史について}, volume = {22}, year = {} }