@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007796, author = {TESHIMA, Shin-ichi and 手島, 新一 and KANAZAWA, Akio and 金沢, 昭夫}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper deals with the conversion of cholesterol-4-^<14>C to radioactive coprostanol, cholestanol, and cholestenone in the estuary sediment from Kagoshima Bay, Kagoshima, Japan. The incubation of cholesterol-4-^<14>C with the sediment and sea water gave radioactive coprostanol, cholestanol, and cholestenone. The identification of these radioactive compounds was performed by thin-layer chromatography and preparative gasliquid chromatography followed by radioactive measurements. However, the incubation of cholesterol-4-^<14>C with sterilized sediment and with sea water (or sterilized sea water) produced extremely small amounts of the above mentioned conversion products. These results indicated that the conversion of cholesterol to coprostanol, cholestanol, and cholestenone is effected by the action of microorganisms in the sediment.}, pages = {41--47}, title = {Conversion of Cholesterol to Coprostanol and Cholestanol in the Estuary Sediment}, volume = {27}, year = {1978} }