@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007804, author = {不破, 茂 and 柿本, 亮 and 肥後, 伸夫}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {On the basis of the encouraging results (ref. 1) of towing tests of sea slater net an investigation was made of otter trawl. We would like to report on the results of our investigation of catch of two types of trawl net. Results obtained can be as follows; Catch of fish grouped into eleven classes by their swimming layer and form of body, then catches of two types of trawl net were compared. Catches of otter trawl net was significantly larger than that of sea slater net in fishes of sea bream, flat head, sea robin, goosefish and flat fish, but they were almost equal in fishes of cutlassfish, squid and shrimp. It estimated that the fact originated in the difference of the reaction to the fishing gear in each types of fish. Gear efficiency of sea slater net depended on the distance from sea bottom. It was over 20 cm of distance from sea bottom that sea slater net indicated its gear efficiency. 31 species of fish were caught in ordinary net which attached bobbin typed ground rope, while in sea slater net which attached chain typed ground rope, 31 species of fish were caught in a series of experiment. Catch per unit time of two types of net were 24.17 kg/hour on ordinary net and 8.74 kg/hour on sea slater net respectively., オッタートロール網を離底曳き網に改造してオッタートロール網との比較操業試験を行って次のような結果を得た。 1) 漁獲物をその生息場所と体型により分類し両網の漁獲量を比較するとタイ型,コチ・カナガシラ型,アンコウ型,カレイ・ヒラメ型ではオッタートロール網が有意に多い漁獲が あった。タチウオ型,イカ類,エビ類では両網とも略同じ漁獲が得られた。これは漁具に対する魚の反応行動の差に起因するものと考えられる。 2) 離底高さの低い場合には普通の底曳網と同じ漁獲性能を示し,離底曳き網としての漁獲性能を示すのは離底高さが約20cm以上の場合である。}, pages = {73--80}, title = {陸棚斜面漁場における漁具の基礎的研究 II : 離底曳き網の漁獲物}, volume = {29}, year = {} }