@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007825, author = {太田, 冬雄 and OHTA, Fuyuo and 西元, 諄一 and NISHIMOTO, Jun-ichi and 御木, 英昌 and MIKI, Hidemasa and 本田, 英雄 and HONDA, Hideo}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {The tissues of 5 species of fish taken by bottom lining from Kagoshima Bay in 1977 & 1978, were analyzed for total mercury concentration. (1) Mercury level in muscle exceeded the allowable line for marketable fish in 9 samples of Conger myriaster (conger-eel, "maanago") & Malakichthys griseus ("oomehata") (0.42-1.40ppm), while ranged from 0.02 to 0.07ppm in Eteris carbunculus ("hamadai"), Coelorhynchus jordani ("kyushuhige") and Cynogrossuls grandisquana ("akashitabirame"). (2) Mercury concentrations in the tissues of conger-eel were highest in liver (1.10-1.27ppm), and followed by muscle, stomach, intestine and pancreas in decreasing order. The contents of digestive organs contained mercury level similar to that of the organs. (3) Most of mercury in the muscle of conger-eel was found in myofibrillar fraction., 1977~1978年,鹿児島湾内で底曳延縄で漁獲された魚類の各組織の総Hg濃度を調べた。(1) ハマダイ,キュウシュウヒゲおよびアカシタビラメでは,筋肉のHg濃度は低かった(0.02~0.07ppm)が,マアナゴとオオメハタでは,いずれも規制値以上(0.42~1.31ppm)であった。(2) マアナゴ体組織中のHg濃度は,肝臓に最も高く(1.10~1.27ppm),筋肉の場合これに次ぎ(0.63~0.83ppm),胃およびこれらの内容物の場合にも比較的高く(0.12~0.58ppm),膵臓では低かった(0.14~0.17ppm)。(3) マアナゴ背普通肉中のHgの大部分は,筋原繊維タンパク質区分に含まれていた。}, pages = {267--272}, title = {鹿児島湾産数種魚類中の水銀濃度について}, volume = {31}, year = {1982} }