@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007847, author = {CHAEN, Masaaki and 茶円, 正明}, issue = {2}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Feb}, note = {Systematic observations of sea-salt particles in the lowest atmospheric layer over the oceans are carried out on board ships at sea. The salt-mass distributions of sea-salt particles, ranging from 10^{-11} gm to 10^{-7} gm are obtained by combined use of hand-operated impactors and rod samplers. The vertical distribution of sea-salt particles in the lowest several meters above the sea surface can be expressed by a modified form of Toba's equilibrium theory of sea-salt particles, by introducing the effective relative humidity. The feature of the mean salt-mass distribution of the number concentration of sea-salt particles, θ, at a height of 6 m for each wind force, for the salt-mass class of log m ≦ 2. 25 (m : the salt mass in 10^{-12} gm unit), is close to a straight-line segment on a logarithmic diagram, and it is expressed, as the first approximation, by Junge's form concerning the size distribution of aerosols in the atmosphere. It is found that the number concentration of sea-salt particles, θ, increases linearly on a logarithmic diagram with a dimensionless variable, u_*L/ν, which represents the overall degree of the breaking of wind waves, where u_*is the friction velocity, L the significant wave length and ν the kinematic viscosity of air. The reference level of the production of sea-salt particles, z_1-surface, is newly introduced, and the number concentration of sea-salt particles at the z_1-surface, θ_1 is discussed. The character of the salt-mass distribution of θ_1 is always almost same, even though the wind speed and the state of sea surface may change, and the absolute value of θ_1 is proportional to u_*L/ν. The production rate of sea-salt particles, F_1, at the z_1-surface can be obtained from the value of θ_1 by F_1 = w_sθ_1, where w_s represents the terminal velocity of sea-water droplet. The value of F_1 has the minimum at near log m = 3. The character of the salt-mass distribution of F_1 is also always almost same as in the case of θ_1, and the absolute value changes with wind and sea states, in proportion to u_*L/ν. In conclusion, the values of θ_1 and F_1 are presented for each class of salt mass as a function of u_*L/ν. Also, they are presented approximately as a function of wind speed alone, assuming the representative sea state as a function of wind speed.}, pages = {49--107}, title = {Studies on the Production of Sea-Salt Particles on the Sea Surface}, volume = {22}, year = {1974} }