@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007852, author = {太田, 冬雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {The effect of added glucose on the formation of histamine and tyramine in fish muscle was ascertained. The cause of the difference between the glucose-effect on amine-formation in fish muscle-system and that in vitro system,wasinvestigated. 1) Admixture of glucose to the minced fish muscle was acceleratory for the formation of histamine and of tyramine due to its spoilage, while that to the muscle suspension inhibitory. Such was the case with muscle and its suspension which were sterilized and inoculated with the histamine-producing bacterium. 2) The inhibitory effect of glucose in the mince was abolished by the addition of water, but not by the increase of bacterial contamination. 3) The amounts of volatile, keto, and lactic acids produced in the spoiled muscle were larger in glucose-added muscle than in control, and the concentrations of those acids were higher in the minced muscle than in the suspension. 4) The presence of glucose or lactate in the muscle extract media was acceleratory for the activity of the bacterium, while that of acetate inhibitory. It may therefore be presumed, that the higher concentrations and the less diffusibility of glucose-metabolites, moreover the rise of osmosis due to glucose molecule resulted in the inhibitory effect of glucose on the amine-formation in the minced muscle.}, pages = {113--118}, title = {魚肉中のアミンの生成に対する添加グルコースの抑制的影響}, volume = {21}, year = {} }