@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007864, author = {肥後, 伸夫 and HIGO, Nobio and 西野, 英人 and NISHINO, Hideto and 大毛, 雄三 and DAIMOU, Yuzou and 吐師, 弘 and HASHI, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {During the period from the 30th of July in 1985 to the 31st of the same month, diving observations were carried out on the artificial reefs submerged at the six locations in the off sea of Kaseda City, with the following informations obtained. (1) Concerning the artificial reefs submerged in this sea-front it may be said that although there were a lot of differences among the materials, measures, scales and the time elapsed since the respective submergences, there was almost no difference among the fish gathering effectiveness. Namely, through the whole reefs the sorts of the fish gathered around the reefs were as mentioned in the following : at the upper layer of the reefs we could observe the fries of Blue sprat Spratelloides japonicus ; Saurel Trachurus japonicus ; Chiken grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum ; and at the middle layer of the reefs such big, sized fishes as Chiken grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum ; Red sea bream snapper Chrysophnys major ; Stone bream Oplegnathus fasciatus Thick lip bream Plectorhynchus pictus and Flat fish Paralichthys olibaceus could be observed. (2) The trade mark of the 'good reef' might be fixed as in the following, [○a] the fact that the reef should be more than 4 m in its height, [○b] that the concrete blocks should be deposited to form a high hill-like figure, [○c] that the concrete blocks should be submerged to form a sort of congregation consisting of the individual reefs having different constructions. Of these three, the reef having the shape of two-headed-hill was fixed to be the best one, with the excellent capacity to have gathered 2 or 3 tons of Chiken grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum schools around it., 昭和60年7月30日より7月31日にかけ,吹上浜の南端にあたる加世田市沖合海域において,6個所の人工魚礁を潜水観察し,魚礁の形態,埋没,付着生物,蝟集魚について下記のような知見を得た。(1) 研究の対象とした魚礁は,種類,規模,経過年数の異なるものであるが,魚群の蝟集構造は類似したものが多く,全ての魚礁において,キビナゴ,マアジ,イサキの稚魚が魚礁上の広い空間に互いに棲み分けして占位しており,また魚礁周辺には,イサキ,マダイ,イシダイ,コロダイ,ヒラメ等が群棲しているのを認めた。(2) 優れた集魚効果をもつ魚礁としては,頂高が4mとかなり高い山型のコンクリートブロック魚礁と構造の異なるコンクリートブロックの集合した魚礁があげられる。中でも2山型の形態をもつ魚礁は,2~3トンのイサキを蝟集させており,優れた魚礁効果を発揮している。}, pages = {69--86}, title = {潜水観察による人工魚礁の実態について XV : 加世田市沖合海域の場合}, volume = {35}, year = {1986} }