@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00007899, author = {HIGASHIKAWA, Seiji and UCHIYAMA, Masaki and HIDAKA, Masayasu}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {In 1987, T.S.Kagoshima-Maru of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University and the University Pertanian Malaysia were engaged in the cooperative survey on the fish resources in the area northwest of Borneo Island. The writers were in charge of surveying bottom topography, sediments and bottom current. The following results were obtained. 1) Continental shelf margin is 175-200m in depth. Continental slope is rather gentle in the western one-thirds of the surveyed area, and rapidly changes into the slope with higher angle eastwards. 2) The bottom sediments of this area are mostly of very fine-grained sands. Their median diameter (Md φ) is ranging from 2.46 to 3.68. 3) Sorting Coefficient (So) ranges from 0.605 to 1.635. This means well-sorted and rather homogeneous sediments. 4) Skewnesses (Sk) of the most samples are plus value, indicating that the grain size composition of the sediments is, as a whole, biassed toward fine grain sizes. 5) Bottom current velocity is generally low, and its direction is unsteady.}, pages = {111--119}, title = {Bottom Topography and Sediments in the Area Northwest of Borneo Island}, volume = {37}, year = {} }