@misc{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00008036, author = {工藤, 英二 and Kudo, Eiji}, month = {}, note = {医歯学総合研究科博士論文(医学) ; 学位取得日: 平成6年3月25日 Methamphetamine (MAP),急性腹腔内投与により出現するラットの側坐核ニューロン活動および移所運動量に対する選択的ドーパミンD-1受容体遮断薬SCH23390 (SCH)および選択的ドーパミンD-2受容体遮断薬sulpiride (SLP)の影響について研究した。MAP 1mg/kg 投与により側坐核ニューロン活動および移所運動量はいずれも増加した。MAP 1mg/kg 投与により増加した側坐核ニューロン活動および移所運動量は,SCHによっていずれも抑制された。しかし,側坐核ニューロン活動はSLP5,10および 50mg/kg のいずれの量においても抑制されたが,移所運動量は,SLP 5および10mg/kg の量では抑制されず,SLP 50mg/kg の量で抑制された。以上の結果より, 両薬剤の薬理作用には,差異があることが示唆された。, The effects of Dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptor antagonists on multiple unit activity in the nucleus accumbens and locomotor activity were evaluated in freely moving Wistar male rats given a methamphetamine (MAP) dose of 1.0mg/kg intraperitoneally. Multiple unit activity was recorded from a glass-insulated elgiloy microelectrode placed in the nucleus accumbens, and locomotor activity was measured using an aninal activity monitor. In the rats administered MAP, both multiple unit activity and amount of locomotor activity increased during an hour. MAP-induced excitatory effects on the multiple unit activity were blocked at all observed intervals by the doses of 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0mg/kg i. p. of a D-1 receptor antagonist (SCH23390:SCH) or the doses of 5, 10, and 50mg/kg i. p. of a D-2 receptor antagonist (sulpiride:SLP). All three doses of SCH inhibited MAP-induced locomotor activity increase at all observed intervals. Although the doses of 5 or 10mg/kg of SLP did not reduce this increase, a 50mg/kg did inhibit it. In conclusion, the D-1 receptor antagonist SCH is able to inhibit both MAP-induced neuronal excitation and locomotor activity in rats at all the treated i. p. doses. On the other hand, the D-2 receptor antagonist SLP is able to inhibit MAP-induced neuronal excitation at all doses, but the two smaller doses of SLP do not inhibit the MAP-induced locomotor activities. These findings suggest that D-1 as well as D-2 antagonists play an important role in the pharmacological action of antipsychotics.}, title = {覚醒剤精神病モデルラットを用いた側坐核ニューロン活動および移所運動行動の研究 : 選択的ドーパミンD-1およびD-2受容体遮断薬の影響について}, year = {1994}, yomi = {クドウ, エイジ} }