@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00008061, author = {肥後, 伸夫 and HIGO, Nobio}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要, Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Four types of drag net models which differ in the size of the net mouth were used. The models were made in a reduction to one tenth of the original scale after Tauchi's comparative method. Experiments were performed in a laboratory tank of circulating water system. Current velocity were measured in and around the nets with a Thermister type current meter. Observations were also made on the shape of the nets in situ and the stream-lines. Results are as follows: 1. Current velocity inside the net were mostly equal to or somewhat faster than those at the mouth. As compared to the latter, slower speeds were nearly always measured close to the outersurfaces of the net in both the sides and the rear. 2. The influx of water running towards the sides of the net can be divided into two parts. The major one passes out through the meshes and is transformed into water-eddies to run along the outerside of the net, its speed being gradually reduced, while the minor part continues to run along the innerside of the net and plays a role in acceleration of current velocity in the core of the net. 3. A current velocity at a given point inside the net is to be theoretically analyzed as given in the following formula: [the fomula is omitted], where, A_0 is the area of the net mouth, V_0 the current velocity at the net mouth, A the cross area of the net at a given point inside the net, C a coefficient of the current velocity at a mesh, S the total area of meshes per unit length, θ the angle of inclination of the net against the current direction, and V' denotes the average current velocity outside the net. It was found that values calculated after the formula roughly coincide with the measurements., 底曳網の嚢網について1/10の模型網を作製し,大型回流水槽において模型実験を行なった。この網は,網目の大きさの等しい網地で構成され,その嚢口を4種の異った枠に順次縫合して実験した。実験はサーミスター式微流速計をもって網中および網の周囲の流速を測定し,同時に,網成り,および流線の観察を実施した。実験結果として得られた知見をまとめると次のようである。(1) 網中の流速は網口の流速に比して,ほとんど等しいか,または大である。網側の流速は網口の流速に比して,ほとんど小であり,網後方の流速は網口の流速に比して,ほとんど小であるが,一般にそのふれが大である。(2) 流線の観察の結果,網中の流れは網面に突き当った場合,大部分は網目を通過して網外に出た後,渦状の形に変化して減速するが,1部分は網目をぬけないで網中を網面に沿って流れることを認めた。(3) 網中の流速を理論的に解析して,任意断面における網中の流速Vを求める式[式省略]を導き,計算値と実験値がほぼ一致することを確めた。ここで,V_0は網口の流速,V'は網外平均流速,Aは任意の点における網中の断面積,A_0は網口の面積,Cは網目通過に関する流速の係数,Sは単位長さ当りの総通水網目面積,θは網面の対流水角度を示す。}, pages = {78--92}, title = {底曳網の研究 I : 網中の流速の増加現象について}, volume = {13}, year = {1964} }