@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00008088, author = {今井, 剛 and IMAI, Takeshi and 西永, 正典 and NISHINAGA, Masanori and 松下, 健二 and MATSUSHITA, Kenji}, issue = {3}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌, Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {Jan}, note = {It has been reported that number of teeth is associated with cognitive function in elderly populations with dementia. However, little is known about this association in an ordinary elderly population. We evaluated this relationship in a Japanese population of elderly people aged from 65 to 92 years (n = 345; 122 males and 223 females) residing in Kahokuchou (now Kami City) in Kochi Prefecture of Japan. Dental examinations were performed all subjects with the Mini-Metal State Examination (MMSE) and Kohs task test for assessing cognitive function. Associations were not found between number of residual teeth and MMSE in total subjects or in males or females. However, associations were found between number of residual teeth and Kohs score in males. These results suggest that cognitive functions, especially, motor cognition, may be associated with number of teeth in ordinary elderly males.}, pages = {47--51}, title = {高齢者の残存歯数と認知機能との関連性}, volume = {61}, year = {2010} }