@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00008089, author = {上野, 真一 and 前村, 公成 and 迫田, 雅彦 and 蔵原, 弘 and 又木, 雄弘 and 飯野, 聡 and 南, 幸次 and 安藤, 慶 and 松本, 正隆 and 大脇, 哲弘 and 北薗, 正樹 and 石神, 純也 and 新地, 洋之 and 夏越, 祥次}, issue = {3}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌=Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {In patients with hepatobiliary-pancreatic cancer, celiac artery compression syndrome (CACS) causes the technical difficulties of trans-arterial intervention or surgical therapies such as pancreaticoduodenectomy. Here, we report the surgical procedure of the release of median-arcuate ligament under laparotomy and its benefits based on three cases with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or bile duct carcinoma complicated with CACS. Surgical decompression of CACS is relatively easy method and could contribute re-modification of blood supply from celiac artery.}, pages = {37--40}, title = {肝胆膵癌患者における腹腔動脈起始部圧迫症候群を伴う場合の弓状靭帯切離術}, volume = {62}, year = {} }