@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000825, author = {大重, 彰彦 and OHSHIGE, Akihiko and 堀, 剛 and HORI, Takeshi and 桜井, 一宏 and SAKURAI, Kazuhiro and 中澤, 潤一 and NAKAZAWA, Junichi and 吉永, 英希 and YOSHINAGA, Hideki and 久保園, 高明 and KUBOZONO, Takaaki and 美園, 俊明 and MISONO, Toshiaki and 久米村, 秀 and KUMEMURA, Hizuru and 中村, 登 and NAKAMURA, Noboru and 濱田, 信男 and HAMADA, Nobuo and 松木田, 純香 and MATSUKITA, Sumika and 末吉, 和宣 and SUEYOSHI, Kazunobu and 井戸, 章雄 and IDO, Akio and 坪内, 博仁 and TSUBOUCHI, Hirohito}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学雑誌, Medical journal of Kagoshima University}, month = {}, note = {A 51 year old man was referred to our hospital with ascites. Ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) detected an about 2cm tumor with unclear margins in the left lobe of the liver along with peritoneum tumors with ascites. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) using Sonazoid was undertaken. CEUS imaging of Kupffer cells clearly showed the margin of the liver tumor. Clear enhancement was observed in the liver tumor and peritoneal tumors by vascular imaging. The findings indicated that the liver and peritoneal tumors had the same origin. Laparoscopic examination was performed to obtain histological findings. Specimens from the peritoneal tumor showed a tubular adenocarcinoma that was positive for cytokeratin 7 immunohistochemical staining, but negative for CK20, D2-40 and thrombomodulin staining. Based on these histological findings, these tumors were diagnosed as cholangiocarcinoma and metastasis to the peritoneum. CEUS using Sonazoid was found useful for observing both liver and peritoneal tumors.}, pages = {13--17}, title = {ソナゾイド造影超音波検査が肝内胆管癌の肝病変および腹膜播種の診断に有用であった一例}, volume = {61}, year = {2009} }