@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00008339, author = {揚村, 固 and Agemura, Katamu}, journal = {都市計画}, month = {Feb}, note = {The domain of Satsuma, which during the Edo period comprised the entire Kagoshima Prefecture and apart of Miyazaki Prefecture, had more than one hundred characteristic castle towns called "Fumoto" (lit.: "foot of a mountain"). The streets had their direction determined based on two types of geometrical axes. One of these axes was the castled mountain where one could look down on the townspeople's area. The other was probably one or more characteristic landmark mountains surrounding the town. These historical towns still exist today and can teach us about the concept of premodem city planning.}, pages = {51--56}, title = {麓 : 鹿児島県の地方都市にみる歴史都市としての姿}, volume = {186}, year = {1994}, yomi = {アゲムラ, カタム} }