@book{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00008387, author = {KAWAI, Kei and 河合, 渓 and TERADA, Ryuta and 寺田, 竜太 and KUWAHARA, Sueo and 桑原, 季雄 and TAKARABE, Megumi and 財部, めぐみ and NISHIMURA, Akira and 西村, 明 and HATTA, Akio and 八田, 明夫 and HAYWARD, Philip and YAMAMOTO, Sota and 山本, 宗立 and TAKEZAKI, Toshiro and 嶽﨑, 俊郎 and NIIMURA, Hideshi and 新村, 英士 and KUWABARA, Kazuyo and 桑原, 和代 and NODA, Shinichi and 野田, 伸一 and NAKATANI, Sumie and 中谷, 純江 and OZAKI, Takahiro and 尾崎, 孝宏 and NISHIMURA, Satoru and 西村, 知 and MINAMURA, Takeichi and 皆村, 武一 and NAGASHIMA, Shunsuke and 長嶋, 俊介 and HAGINO, Makoto and 萩野, 誠 and TOMINAGA, Shigeto and 冨永, 茂人 and ONJO, Michio and 遠城, 道雄 and PARK, Byoung-jae and TORII, Takashi and 鳥居, 享司 and ICHIKAWA, Hidetaka and 市川, 英孝 and NAKAMURA, Hirohiko and 中村, 啓彦 and KINOSHITA, Kisei and 木下, 紀正 and SAKAMOTO, Masaya and 坂本, 昌弥 and OKANO, Takahiro and 岡野, 隆宏 and SAKAMAKI, Yositaka and 坂巻, 祥孝 and NAKAYA, Hideo and 仲谷, 英夫}, month = {2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28, 2016-10-28}, note = {Appendix, Column 3, Chapter 23, Chapter 22, Chapter 21, Chapter 20, Chapter 19, Column 2, Chapter 18, Chapter 17, Chapter 16, Chapter 15, Chapter 14, Chapter 13, Chapter 12, Chapter 11, Chapter 10, Column 1, Chapter 9, Chapter 8, Chapter 7, Chapter 6, Chapter 5, Chapter 4, Chapter 3, Chapter 2, Chapter 1, Map of the Islands in Kagoshima, Various Island Views in Kagoshima Prefecture, Contents, Contributors, Editors, Preface, Title page, colophon, Title page, colophon, Preface, Editors, Contributors, Contents, Various Island Views in Kagoshima Prefecture (frontispiece), Map of the Islands in Kagoshima, Culture and Society, [Chapter 1] Culture and Society in the Islands of Kagoshima / Sueo Kuwahara, [Chapter 2] Research Issues in the Culture and Society of the Amami Islands / Sueo Kuwahara, [Chapter 3] Amami Island Religion : Historical Dynamics of the Islanders’ Spirit / Megumi Takarabe and Akira Nishimura, [Chapter 4] The Educational Environment on a Remote Island in Kagoshima / Akio Hatta, [Chapter 5] Cycads, Sustenance and Cultural Landscapes in the Amami Islands / Philip Hayward and Sueo Kuwahara, [Chapter 6] Chili Peppers in the Islands of Kagoshima / Sota Yamamoto, [Chapter 7] Health and Medical Issues and Longevity in the Amami Island Region / Toshiro Takezaki, Hideshi Niimura and Kazuyo Kuwabara, [Chapter 8] Environmental Hygiene in the Islands of Kagoshima / Shinichi Noda, [Chapter 9] A Guide for the Study of Kinship and Social Organization in the Amami Islands / Sumie Nakatani, [Column 1] Bullfighting on Tokunoshima Island / Takahiro Ozaki, Industry, [Chapter 10] Economy in the Islands of Kagoshima / Satoru Nishimura, [Chapter 11] The Amami Islands Promotion and Development Projects, and Socioeconomic Transformation / Takeichi Minamura, [Chapter 12] Remote Islands Development Area in Kagoshima Prefecture / Shunsuke Nagashima, [Chapter 13] Tourism Around the Kagoshima Prefecture Islands / Makoto Hagino, [Chapter 14] Agriculture in the Islands of Kagoshima : Special Reference to Fruit Production in the Yakushima and Amami Islands / Shigeto Tominaga, [Chapter 15] Significance of the Preservation of Crop Genetic Resources in the Islands of Kagoshima / Michio Onjo, [Chapter 16] Sugarcane Cultivation in the Islands of Kagoshima / Byoung-jae Park, [Chapter 17] The Effect and Problems of Attracting Aquaculture Capital : A Case Study of the Koshiki Islands / Takashi Torii, [Chapter 18] Renewable Energy and Lifestyle Change : An Example of Yakushima Island’s “Zero Emissions” Initiative / Hidetaka Ichikawa, [Column 2] Edible Seaweeds in the Island Life / Ryuta Terada, Nature, [Chapter 19] Nature in the Islands of Kagoshima / Kei Kawai, [Chapter 20] The Kuroshio -Its Physical Aspect and Roles in Kagoshima’s Nature and Culture / Hirohiko Nakamura, [Chapter 21] Volcanic Island Chain South of Kyushu, Japan / Kisei Kinoshita and Masaya Sakamoto, [Chapter 22] Biodiversity in the Islands of Kagoshima / Takahiro Okano, [Chapter 23] A Review of Insect Fauna Reports for the Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture / Yositaka Sakamaki, [Column 3] Vertebrate Fossils from the Islands / Hideo Nakaya, Appendix, edited by Kei Kawai, Ryuta Terada and Sueo Kuwahara}, publisher = {Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands, 鹿児島大学国際島嶼教育研究センター}, title = {The islands of Kagoshima : culture, society, industry and nature}, year = {} }