@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000847, author = {HIGUCHI, Akihiko}, journal = {鹿児島大学教育学部研究紀要. 教育科学編, Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kagoshima University. Studies in education}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {This study is an empirical study based on an English class of oral communication during the second term in 1997 at Kagoshima University. The class consisted of about 40 students who were 2nd year students at the university. The first half of this study deals with different types of speaking and learner strategies of communication. The second half deals with communicative activities based on short speeches, materials and assessment of oral communication in the course of English 'Oral'. Several problems in this study were mostly found in organizing ideas when students prepared for their speech drafts, in listening, and in information (transactional function of language) and interaction (interactional function of language) routines. These problems are discussed along with their pedagogical implications. For successful teaching in oral communication, this study believes that the students' proficiency in their target language should be taken into consideration. At the same time, the class size should also be considered for effective and successful oral communication. In addition, tasks such as task-based interaction, group discussion and information-gap tasks should be attempted and the most appropriate task chosen according to the students' proficiency in their target language.}, pages = {53--68}, title = {AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF TEACHING ORAL COMMUNICATION TO JAPANESE EFL STUDENTS : Skills in interactional and transactional activities based on speeches}, volume = {50}, year = {} }