@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00000875, author = {藤本, 滋生}, issue = {2}, journal = {南海研紀要}, month = {2016-10-27}, note = {中尾佐助教授退官記念号, The cassava products in Indonesia are classified according to their processing method into the following six groups: 1) cooking directly, 2) drying, 3) squeezing, 4) starch extracting, 5) pounding, and 6) fermenting. This paper describes several typical foods in each of the groups. These products are conventionally used for staple and also snack foods replacing rice. Especially, there are a lot of undried cakes made from cassava assorted coconut and palm sugar. For the advanced utilization of cassava, it is considered that the efficient extraction of starch from sun-dried cassava "GAPLEK" should be developed., インドネシアにおけるキャッサバManihot esculenta Crantzの利用形態について調査した。その結果を,基本的な処理方法を6通りに分け,それぞれ4-6例の具体的な製品として示した。すなわち,1.生塊根を直接調理する,2.乾燥する,3.すりおろして搾汁する,4.澱粉をとる,5.蒸して臼で搗く,6.蒸して醗酵させる,である。}, pages = {75--85}, title = {インドネシアにおけるキャッサバの利用形態}, volume = {3}, year = {} }