@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00009109, author = {松田, 史代 and MATSUDA, Fumiyo}, issue = {1}, journal = {鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {独立行政法人国際協力機構JICA短期ボランティア事業「ペルー障がい者スポーツ支援派遣事業」に理学療法学専攻の学生と参加し、ペルー共和国の首都リマにある日ペルー友好・国立障害者リハビリテーションセンター(INR)および周辺施設で障がい者スポーツ普及支援活動を行う機会を得た。今回の派遣は、理学療法士2名と理学療法学専攻の学生8名の計10名での派遣であった。ペルー共和国では、INRのメディカルドクター(専門:脳損傷部門)と理学療法士を中心としたコ・メディカル・スタッフ、インターン生とカウンター・パートナーを組み、INR内での各部門での集団リハビリテーションの一環としての障がい者スポーツ普及促進支援、ペルー国立競技場で開催された障がい者スポーツ指導員養成講習会の講師およびデモンストレーション、同じくペルー国立競技場で開催された障がい者スポーツイベント大会での活動支援および参加を行ったので若干の考察を加えここに報告する。, Support for disabled sports project for patients with several departments at the Peru National Disability Rehabilitation Center (INR), a center built with funds from Japanese aid. In this time, 8 students and 2 physical therapists (one of two is teacher) were joined as short-term volunteers to support this project by Japan Inertnational Cooperation Agency (JICA). We assisted in running a disabled sports coach trainnig course at the Peru national Stadium in Lima, capital of Peru. This trainig course was designed to 1) cultivate local leaders and 2) facilitate the returns of local patients to society. The course consisted of lectures by the official for Disabled Sports at the local Ministry of Sport, and technical coaching and demonstrations of wheelchair basketball, A mputee's soccer, port-ball, rope jumping, ping-pong, and recreational activities by the patients and medical staff in INR (mainly staff is physical therapist in INR) and us. The final day was a sport event that included participants from two other hospitals in addition to the INR. We had a great time, and had fruitful opportunity to learn about the disabled sports and rehabilitation.}, pages = {51--58}, title = {ペルー障がい者スポーツ支援派遣事業の活動報告 : JICA短期ボランティア派遣事業}, volume = {26}, year = {2016} }