@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00009186, author = {Diep, Dinh Hoa}, issue = {1}, journal = {南太平洋研究, South Pacific Study}, month = {Jan}, note = {In Vietnam, the Dong Son civilization flourished throughout the early Bronze Age to the early Iron Age, from the third millennium B.C. until the first century A.D. The ancient Yue were indigenous dwellers in the Red River delta. In the early Bronze Age on the coastal area the stepped adzes were characteristics. This is the tradition of the Ha Long culture. In the northern border of this delta, the microlith drills were discovered. In the area called the ancestral land, two archaeological traditions, one with shouldered adzes and the other with quadrangular adzes, co-existed interlockingly. Four zhangs were discovered from the sites of the cultural tradition of quadrangular adzes; two from the Phung Nguyen site of the Phung Nguyen phase, and two from the Xom R����en site of the Go Bong phase. Zhang artifacts were characteristic of the Shang Yin Dynasty (2000 B.C.). The appearance of zhang indicates cultural interaction from the North to the South. Cowrie shells were related with the ancient dwellers in prehistoric times having more than 10,000 years of history. Considering their distribution in China and South Siberia, we can see the extensive South to North interrelation in ancient Eurasia.}, pages = {83--101}, title = {New Findings on Zhang in the Phung Nguyen Culture}, volume = {17}, year = {1996} }