@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00009269, author = {嶋田, 起宜 and 仲武, 正臣 and 中武, 利郎 and 善福, 忍 and 佐藤, 忠明}, journal = {鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University}, month = {2016-10-28}, note = {Generator capacities on fisheries training vessels are designed according to demand to utilize deck machinery for fishing training, such as trawling and tuna longlining. The designed generator capacity was reviewed and measures for retionalized combustion were tested on T/V Keiten-maru. Analysis of the actually demanded power recorded every one hour for the last ten years proved that the average diversity factor was 35 % and demand factor 66 %. The load on the generator engine did not exceed 70 % of the designed maximum even when all the deck facilities were run. While independent running of the generator engine during normal cruise, load did not exceed 60 % and most frequently appeared around 40 %. The load was much lower when anchored. The designed diversity and demand factors were both assessed to have been set exceedingly. The observed irregular abrasion on pistons, piston rings and cylinderliners, were attributed to such troubles as jam of combustion residue and converse flow of exhaust gas toward intake due to inappropriate combustion induced by low-load running. In order to reset the maximum capacity of the generator engine at 80 % to 90 % of the initially designed capacity the following measures were tested. (1) delayed timing of fuel injection by adjustment of fuel cams, (2) reduced diameter of nozzle holes of fuel injection valves, (3) replacement of the turbine nozzles of the turbo charger by low-load type on ones, and (4) reduced flow angle for blower blades of the turbo charger (the last two were tested simultaneously) The tested measures were concluded to be effective for improvement of low-load combustion.}, pages = {39--47}, title = {敬天丸の主発電機原動機に於ける低負荷運転域での燃焼改善対策}, volume = {44}, year = {} }