@article{oai:ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp:00009883, author = {高山, 耕二 and TAKAYAMA, Koji and 内山, 雄紀 and UCHIYAMA, Yuki and 赤井, 克己 and AKAI, Katsumi and 花田, 博之 and HANADA, Hiroyuki and 伊村, 嘉美 and IMURA, Yoshimi and 中西, 良孝 and NAKANISHI, Yoshitaka and 髙山, 耕二}, journal = {鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告, Bulletin of the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture,Kagoshima University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The objective of this study was to obtain fundamental information regarding effective methods for reducing the damage caused to meadows by sika deer (Cervus nippon). A survey was conducted to evaluate the effect of fencing for preventing sika deer invasion of meadows A (8 ha) and B (7.4 ha) in Iriki Livestock Farm (148 ha). Fence A (175 cm in height) that was set around meadow A comprised wire net (120 cm in height) and synthetic fiber net (120-175 cm in height) fences, whereas Fence B (140cm in height) set around meadow B comprised wire net (120 cm in height) and electric (120-140 cm in height) fences. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Sika deer were observed in and around the meadows throughout the year during nighttime (20:00-5:00h). In particular, a greater number of animals were observed in February and March. 2. The increased number of sika deer that invaded meadows A and B suggested that both Fences A and B were not effective in preventing sika deer invasion. 3. Fences A and B were damaged in a number of places. In particular, there were gaps through which the sika deer could have passed under the fence. The deer could have also entered the meadows through the areas of the net and electric wires that had slackened by 45 days after the fencing of the meadows. Therefore, more effective methods for preventing sika deer invasion need to be urgently developed on the basis of behavioural characteristics.}, pages = {11--14}, title = {牧場採草地へのニホンジカ侵入に対する防護柵の影響}, volume = {30}, year = {2008} }